Drive clicks, capture leads and conquer your niche with our pay-per-click services.

We'll build your digital funnel and steer the right customers through it via search and social. We'll track its performance weekly and optimise the funnel for long-term success.

Pay-per-click services

Our services include:

  • PPC Campaign Strategy
  • Google Ads Management
  • Facebook Ads Management
  • Funnel Design
  • LinkedIn Ads Management
  • Paid Media Account Setup
  • Facebook Ads Management
  • PPC Audit
  • Twitter Ads Management
  • PPC Optimisation
  • Display Advertising
  • Retargeting/Remarketing

Our Process

Our step-by-step PPC process

  1. 01

    Initial Consultation

    Our PPC process starts with a thorough initial consultation. During this collaborative session, we delve into understanding your business goals and target audience. Together, we identify key performance indicators and establish clear objectives for the PPC campaign. This foundational discussion sets the groundwork for tailoring our PPC strategy to precisely meet your unique needs.

  2. 02

    Campaign Strategy Development

    Following the initial consultation, we develop the campaign strategy. Armed with insights gathered from our discussions, we analyse your business objectives, target audience characteristics and market dynamics. We then create a strategic roadmap that outlines the specific steps and tactics guiding the PPC campaign toward success.

  3. 03

    Funnel Design

    In this stage, we create a high-performing landing page and funnel. By strategically constructing the digital funnel and refining your offers, we enhance user experience and maximise the potential for conversions. This phase is a creative blend of data-driven decisions and innovative design elements, aiming to attract your target audience and guide them seamlessly through the conversion process.

  4. 04

    Implementation & Optimisation

    Once the strategy and funnel are in place, we move into the implementation phase. This is where the PPC campaign comes to life. We implement the planned strategy across selected platforms, continuously monitoring and optimising to ensure maximum effectiveness.

  5. 05

    Monitoring & Reporting

    As your PPC campaign unfolds, we enter the monitoring and reporting phase. We keep a vigilant eye on key performance metrics, providing you with regular, transparent reports. These insights keep you informed and serve as a foundation for further refinement and strategic adjustments, ensuring your campaign remains on course.

  6. 06

    Continuous Refinement

    The PPC journey doesn't end – it evolves. We consistently evaluate campaign performance, gather insights and implement refinements. This iterative process ensures that your PPC strategy remains adaptive and aligned with your business goals, maximising the impact of your digital advertising efforts over time.

See What Our Clients Say About Working With Us

We provide exceptional service and deliver outstanding results. But don’t just take our word for it — hear directly from our valued clients!

    Maximilian Licari headshot

    Hiring Altlier to develop a social media strategy and an advertising campaign was easily the best investment I made in marketing my business since launching...

    Maximilian Licari

    Nadine Walker headshot

    Altlier are pros at their job. Their analytics-driven approach ensured that every piece of content and every ad placement had a purpose and high impact...

    Nadine Walker

    Martin Hall headshot

    The Altlier team was professional, creative and extremely skilled. They took the time to understand our brand, target audience and goals...

    Martin Hall

    Yannis Constantinou headshot

    Altlier is by far my favourite agency to work with. They are highly dependable and full of creative and innovative ideas. They truly exceeded my expectations and took my business to the next level...

    Yannis Constantinou

Request a Quote

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  • Expert PPC consultants
  • Tailored solutions
  • Transparent pricing

Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to your questions

Start Your Project
  • What exactly is PPC?

    Pay-per-click (PPC) is a digital advertising model wherein advertisers are charged for each click on their ads. It can benefit your business by providing instant visibility on search engines and social media platforms, driving targeted traffic to your website and increasing brand exposure.

  • How do I know if PPC is right for my business?

    PPC is suitable for businesses of all sizes looking to increase online visibility, generate leads or boost sales. It’s particularly effective for those seeking measurable and immediate results. We will assess your specific goals to determine if PPC aligns with your overall digital marketing strategy.

  • How will you ensure my ads reach the right audience?

    We’ll conduct thorough keyword research, audience targeting and ad copy optimisation. We will fine-tune your campaigns to reach the most relevant audience based on demographics, interests and online behaviour. We will also regularly assess the performance of your campaigns and make ongoing optimisations.

  • Can I set a budget for PPC campaigns?

    Absolutely. One of the advantages of PPC is that you have control over your budget. You can set a daily or monthly spending limit, and we work within that budget to maximise your return on investment.

  • How do you measure the success of PPC campaigns?

    We use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates, conversion rates and cost per conversion to measure the success of your PPC campaigns. Regular reporting and analysis allow us to make data-driven adjustments for continuous improvement.

  • How quickly will I see the results of PPC campaigns?

    The timeline varies based on factors like industry, competition and campaign complexity. However, PPC often provides quick results, and you can start seeing increased traffic and conversions shortly after launching your campaigns.

Other Services

  • Websites
  • SEO services
  • Social Media
  • Creative Content